
Devin Zuckerman, PhD candidate

Devin Zuckerman is a 4th year PhD candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Her dissertation project looks at the development of pre-scientific theories of matter in 12th through 14th century Tibetan Buddhism. In particular, she studies the ways that the theory of the […]

Debbie Kasper, PhD

Debbie Kasper is a sociologist specializing in sociological theory, culture, and social change. She is Professor of Environmental Studies and the Howard S. Bissell Chair of Liberal Arts at Hiram College in northeast Ohio. There she teaches a wide variety of interdisciplinary courses (such as Community, Human Settlements, Food, Permaculture Basics, Creating Resilience, and more) […]

Father Francis Tiso

Father Tiso is a theologian and scholar who specializes in inter-religious dialogue between Tibetan Buddhism and Catholicism. He is a Catholic priest, writer and professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. His research has included the great Tibetan Yogi, Milarepa and the subject of miraculous death in Tibetan Buddhist thought – the rainbow body.. […]

Bardo Teachings - Self Paced Course,

Khenpo Yeshi

Khenpo Yeshi Rinpoche was born into a noble family in Kham, East Tibet in 1969. Arriving in South India at nineteen, Khenpo Yeshi went to Sera Monastery. Later, he entered Dzogchen Monastery in order to complete his studies in both the Sutra and Tantra trainings. Over the years, Khenpo Yeshi studied closely with more than […]

Choying Dzod 5: Unwavering Awareness,

Dr. Nicole Willock

Nicole Willock is an associate professor of Asian Religions at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Translating from Tibetan and Chinese languages, her research focuses on the intersections of Tibetan literature, especially poetics, and intellectual history. She is the recipient of FLAS fellowships, the Fulbright-Hays DDRA, and the American Council of Learned Societies’ (ACLS) Robert H.N. Ho […]

Buddhism & Sexuality - Self Paced Course,

Julie Regan, Ph.D.

Dr. Julie Regan was first introduced to Asian religions as an undergraduate student of Comparative Literature at Brown University, where she subsequently earned her MFA in Literary Arts. After several years devoted to writing fiction and plays, and teaching writing, she decided to pursue a Ph.D. at Harvard University to deepen her understanding of Buddhist […]

Buddhism & Sexuality - Self Paced Course,

Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo

Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo is a Buddhist nun and professor of Buddhist studies at the University of San Diego. She is a founder of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and director of Jamyang Foundation, which supports educational programs for Buddhist women and girls.

Women in Tantric Buddhism – Self Paced Course,

Damchö Diana Finnegan

Damchö Diana Finnegan After a career as a journalist based in New York and Hong Kong, Damchö Diana Finnegan ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1999. In 2009, she received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a thesis on gender and ethics in Sanskrit and Tibetan narratives about Buddha’s direct female disciples in […]

Women in Tantric Buddhism – Self Paced Course, Buddhism & Sexuality - Self Paced Course,

Sarah Jacoby

Sarah Jacoby studies Asian Religions with a specialization in Tibetan Buddhism. She received her B.A. from Yale University, majoring in women’s studies, and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Virginia’s Department of Religious Studies. She joined Northwestern University in 2009 after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Society of Fellows in the Humanities […]

Women in Tantric Buddhism – Self Paced Course,

Judith Simmer-Brown

Judith Simmer-Brown Raised a minister’s daughter in Nebraska, Judith Simmer-Brown began meditation practice as a student of Suzuki Roshi. It was while teaching religion and Buddhism at Western Washington University in Bellingham that Judith received a flyer inaugurating The Naropa Institute. Meeting the Vidyadhara at that first summer session in 1974 “blew her world apart,” […]

Women in Tantric Buddhism – Self Paced Course,